Saturday, March 22, 2008

Carol on Hoot and start of using Paintstix

(First of all, I have to say that I wish the pictures would come up in the order in which I stick them in there, and that I could find a way to fix typos after I've posted!!)

Carol using Hoot with one of my new pantos before we left for Oro Valley. Sandy and Carol painting on a silk scarf. Wall hanging to which Carol has added some contrast. A pillow cover to which Carol added more contrast and five blocks I did with rubbing templates which will go into my blue and yellow quilt. Sandy applying paint over torn masking tape.

1 comment:

Pat/SWquilter said...

Test! We'll see if it let's me leave a comment this time, Linda. I'm soooo jealous of your cousin's loom! I think they are just so beautiful and I'd love to have one as decor even if I couldn't weave! The paintstik stuff looks good - I did all of mine with the irridescent paintstiks on black fabric but like the look on lighter fabrics too.
